
What Does The Letters And Numbers Mean For Registering For Classes

How to Read the Schedule of Classes Find out how to browse classes and learn terminology, such every bit CRN (Course Reference Number).

How to Read the Schedule of Classes

Find out how to browse classes and learn terminology, such as CRN (Form Reference Number).

Screenshot of Schedule of Classes Search Results

(click to enlarge graphic) *More examples at the bottom of the folio*

Browse Classes: The labels are: Title, Subject area Description, Grade Number, Section, Hours, CRN, Term, Instructor, Meeting Times, Campus, Condition.

Search Results: "Title" contains a hyperlink to more data about the class: Bookstore link, Course Description, Co-requisites, Pre-requisites, if the class is role of a linked section, Waitlist information, Catalog data. Includes the title of the class, CRN, subject and grade number.

  • CRN (Course Reference Number) is a unique number for each form used when registering for classes.
  • Subject is the course subject, identified with a three or four alphabetic character prefix.
  • Form Number is identified with 4 numbers. Courses below 1000 are developmental.(Dual Credit students must take g level and to a higher place or complete a special request through the Admissions office.)
  • Section is the number given to differentiate courses with the same subject and class number.
  • Hours: The number of credits for class.
  • Instructor: The instructor(s) of the grade.
  • Meeting Times: The days the class meets are highlighted in blueish under the Coming together Times characterization. Yous can view the building and room location of the course and the dates the class will begin and finish. Some grade meeting times are listed as TBA (To Be Arranged). Contact the school in which the class is offered or the teacher for more information.
  • Campus: The general location of the class including in person or Off campus locations can be located under the Campus label. The location of all online classes is "online".
  • Condition: The maximum number of students allowed to enroll in the class, the corporeality of seats that are bachelor to annals for, the maximum amount of students who can waitlist, the amount of waitlist seats that are bachelor to waitlist for.
  • Textbooks/Bookstore links: Under the Title characterization you tin click on the course proper name for links to the CNM bookstore.


  • Cancelled or rescheduled is a class removed from the active/new form offering.
  • Although functionality is similar these instructions are meant for non-mobile devices

More Examples:

Distance Learning Multiple Meeting Lines

(click to enlarge graphic)

Distance Learning Blank Lab Line

(click to enlarge graphic)

What Does The Letters And Numbers Mean For Registering For Classes,


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